Japanese Sake / Shochu
We charge you tax for all items.
Japanese Sake
- [ Kushiro ]
Fukutsukasa 福司 普通酒 - (180ml)390JPY
- (360ml)780JPY
- [ Kushiro ]
- [ Kushiro ]
Fukutsukasa Ginkou brewing Ginpu福司吟香造り 吟風 - [Limited edition](180ml)720JPY
- [ Kushiro ]
- [ Kushiro ]
Fukutsukasa Junmai Ginjoshu福司純米吟醸酒 - [Limited edition](180ml)950JPY
- [ Kushiro ]
- [ Kushiro ]
Fukutsukasa made without added alcohol福司純米酒 - (180ml)550JPY
- [ Kushiro ]
- [ Kushiro ]
Fukutsukasa(raw stored sake)福司生貯蔵酒 - (300ml)760JPY
- [ Kushiro ]
- [ Kushiro ]
Fukutsukasa sake with yogurt flavor福司ヨーグルト酒 - (180ml)480JPY
- [ Kushiro ]
- [ Asahikawa ]
Taisetsu no kura Shinshinrei/Very dry大雪の蔵 - (180ml)580JPY
- [ Asahikawa ]
- [ Miyagi ]
Ichi no kura Suzune Sparking Sake一の蔵 すず音 - (300ml)1,680JPY
- [ Miyagi ]
- [ Nemuro ]
Kita no Katsu
Taikai北の勝 大海 - (180ml)390JPY
- [ Nemuro ]
- [ Nemuro ]
Kita no Katsu Junmaishu北の勝 純米酒 - (180ml)700JPY
- [ Nemuro ]
- [ Nemuro ]
Kita no Katsu Ginjoshu北の勝 吟醸酒 - (180ml)980JPY
- [ Nemuro ]
- [ Niigata ]
Hakkaisan Hon Jo-zo八海山 特別本醸造 - (180ml)680JPY
- [ Niigata ]
- [ Kochi ]
Suigei premium sake酔鯨 特別純米 - (180ml)720JPY
- [ Kochi ]
Distilled spirits (Shochu)
Premium shochu from Kagoshima,
made from sweet potato.Please
select how you want yoursake
served, on the rocks or with hot water.- [ Kagoshima ] Kobiki 木挽25% (made from sweet potato)
- (Shot)450JPY
- (Bottle)1,980JPY
- [ Miyazaki ]
Kurokirishima 25% (made from sweet potato)黒霧島 - (Shot)460JPY
- (Bottle)2,180JPY
- [ Miyazaki ]
- [ Kagoshima ]
Karari Potato 25% (made from sweet potato)からり芋 - (Shot)480JPY
- (Bottle)2,480JPY
- [ Kagoshima ]
- [ Kagoshima ]
Kuro Isa nishiki 25% (made from sweet potato)黒伊佐錦 - (Shot)460JPY
- (Bottle)2,180JPY
- [ Kagoshima ]
- [ Fukuoka ]
Waramugi 25% (made from barley)和ら麦 - (Shot)480JPY
- (Bottle)2,480JPY
- [ Fukuoka ]
- [ Miyazaki ]
Naka Naka 25% (made from barley)中々 - (Shot)620JPY
- (Bottle)3,980JPY
- [ Miyazaki ]
- [ Miyazaki ]
Nayuta no toki 25% (made from buckwheat)那由多の刻 - (Shot)480JPY
- (Bottle)2,480JPY
- [ Miyazaki ]
- [ Kagoshima ]
Sekitoba 25% (made from sweet potato)赤兎馬 - (Shot)610JPY
- (Bottle)3,480JPY
- [ Kagoshima ]
- [ Kumamoto ]
Ginka Torikai 25% (made from rice)吟香 鳥飼 - (Shot)650JPY
- (Bottle)4,280JPY
- [ Kumamoto ]
Shiso flagrance and
delicate on the tongue- [ Shiranuka ]Tantakatan 鍛高譚20% (made from Shiso)
- (Shot)450JPY
- (Bottle)1,980JPY
- Kyougetsu 20%鏡月
- (Shot)390JPY
- (Bottle)1,580JPY
- Triangle Indigo 20% トライアングル インディゴ
- (Shot)390JPY
- (Bottle)1,580JPY
- 4 pieces of lemonカットレモン(4ケ)
- 200JPY
- Lemon syrupレモンシロップ
- 300JPY
- Lime syrupライムシロップ
- 300JPY
- Pickled plum梅干し(1粒)
- (One piece)100JPY
- Fresh lemon(half portion)ハーフカット生レモン
- 200JPY
- Fresh grapefruit(half portion)ハーフカット生グレープフルーツ
- 200JPY
- Iced Oolong tea (Decanter)ウーロン茶(デカンタ)
- 500JPY
- Iced Green tea (Decanter)緑茶(デカンタ)
- 500JPY
We charge you tax for all items.

Beer / cocktail / Other alcohols
We charge you tax for all items.
- Sapporo Classic Draft beerサッポロクラシック(樽生)
- (medium size)490JPY
- (small size)390JPY
- Sapporo Kuro labelサッポロ黒ラベル(中瓶)
- (medium size)580JPY
- Asahi Super dryアサヒスーパードライ(中瓶)
- (medium size)580JPY
- Spporo Premium (non-alcohols beer)サッポロプレミアムアルコールフリー(ノンアルコールビール)
- 450JPY
Soda (tonic water)
- Lemon flavor tonic with a half of fresh lemon生搾りレモンサワー
- 480JPY
- Grapefruits flavor tonic with a half of fresh lemon生搾りグレープフルーツサワー
- 480JPY
- Plum flavor tonic water梅干しサワー
- 480JPY
- Lemon flavor tonic waterレモンサワー
- 420JPY
- Grapefruits flavor tonic waterグレープフルーツサワー
- 420JPY
- Lime flavor tonic waterライムサワー
- 420JPY
- Plum flavor tonic water梅酒サワー
- 420JPY
- Apricot flavor tonic waterあんず酒サワー
- 420JPY
- Grape flavor tonic water巨峰酒サワー
- 420JPY
- Peach flavor tonic water白桃酒サワー
- 420JPY
- Lychee flavor tonic waterライチ酒サワー
- 420JPY
- Apple honey flavor tonic waterはちみつりんごサワー
- 420JPY
- Yuzu lime honey flavor tonic waterはちみつゆずサワー
- 420JPY
- Acerola flavor tonic waterアセロラサワー
- 420JPY
- Cola sourコーラサワー
- 420JPY
- Oolong tea flavor tonic waterウーロンハイ
- 420JPY
- Green tea flavor tonic water緑茶ハイ
- 420JPY
- White grape sour白ぶどうサワー
- 420JPY
- Cassis soda with orange flavorカシスオレンジ
- 480JPY
- Cassis soda with grapefruits flavorカシスグレープフルーツ
- 480JPY
- Cassis sodasカシスソーダ
- 480JPY
- Cassis and Oolong teaカシスウーロン
- 480JPY
- Cassis Back [ Cassis and ginger ale ]カシスバック [ カシス+ジンジャーエール ]
- 480JPY
- Screw driver [ vodka with orange flavor ]スクリュードライバー [ ウォッカ+オレンジ ]
- 480JPY
- Bulldog [ Vodka and Grapefruit ]ブルドック [ ウォッカ+グレープフルーツ ]
- 480JPY
- Campari and Orange flavorカンパリオレンジ
- 480JPY
- Campari and Grapefruits flavorカンパリグレープフルーツ
- 480JPY
- Campari and sodaカンパリソーダ
- 480JPY
- Fuzzy navel [ Peach and Orange ]ファジーネーブル [ ピーチ+オレンジ ]
- 480JPY
- Gniang [ Peach and Oolong tea ]クーニャン [ ピーチ+ウーロン茶 ]
- 480JPY
- Peach Buck [ Peach and Ginger Ale ]ピーチバック [ ピーチ+ジンジャーエール ]
- 480JPY
- Moscowmule [ Vodka and Ginger Ale ]モスコミュール [ ウォッカ+ジンジャーエール ]
- 480JPY
- Strawberry fizzストロベリーフィズ [ イチゴ+ソーダ+レモン ]
- 480JPY
- Gin and Tonicジントニック
- 480JPY
- Green tea and Oolong tea照葉樹林 [ 抹茶+ウーロン茶 ]
- 480JPY
- Kahlua and Milkカルーアミルク
- 480JPY
- Cassis and Milkカシスミルク
- 480JPY
- Strawberry and Milkいちごミルク
- 480JPY
- Green tea and Milk抹茶ミルク
- 480JPY
- Shandy Gaff [ Beer and Ginger ale ]シャンディーガフ [ ビール+ジンジャーエール ]
- 480JPY
- Red eye [ Beer and Tomato ]レッドアイ [ ビール+トマトジュース ]
- 560JPY
- [ Ram base ] Mojitoモヒート
- 390JPY
- [ Ram base ] Mojito Orangeオレンジモヒート
- 420JPY
- [ Ram base ] Mojito Grapefruitsグレープフルーツモヒート
- 420JPY
- [ Wine base ] Spritzer [ White wine with soda ]スピリッツァー[白ワイン+ソーダ]
- 520JPY
- [ Wine base ] Kitty [ Red wine and ginger ]キティー [赤ワイン+ジンジャー]
- 520JPY
- [ Wine base ] Calimocho [ Red wine and coke ]カリモーチョ [赤ワイン+コーラ]
- 520JPY
- [ Wine base ] Operator [ White wine and Ginger ]オペレーター [ 白ワイン+ジンジャー ]
- 520JPY
We charge you tax for all items.

Wines / whisky /
Whisky Highball / Fruits Liquor
We charge you tax for all items.
- Otaru Red (Dry)おたる 赤(辛口)
[Japan/Light bodied]
Outstanding taste wine created with assorted grapes. Fresh fruity flavor with less tannic/light and mild with sensitive taste.
- (Per a bottle)1,960JPY
- (Per a glass)520JPY
- Tokachi Wine Seiorosamu (Red)十勝ワイン 凋寒(セイオロサム)赤
[Japan/Medium bodied]
Mild tastes which made from the blend of Kiyomi-grapes and Zweigelt. Seiorosamu is named after Ikeda-cho where is made from.
- (Per a bottle)3,480JPY
- (Per a glass)880JPY
- J.Moreau & Fils RougeJ・モロー・エ・フィスモロー・ルージュ
[France/Medium bodied]
The refined aroma of the wine is dominated by red fruits, such as plums. Less acid and mild tastes are excellent with any kinds of dishes.
- (Per a bottle)1,850JPY
- (Per a glass)480JPY
- Casamatta Rossoカザマッタ ロッソ
[Italia/Medium bodied]
Smooth and pleasant taste. Placed between medium to full bodied with soft tanning.
- (Per a bottle)2,680JPY
- (Per a glass)680JPY
- La Agricola Vida Organica Cabernet Sauvignonラ・アグリコーラ ヴィダ・オーガニカ カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン
[Argentina/Full bodied]
Made of Pure Organic grapes. Flavor of ripped black currant with mellow cherry. Nice finish with rich fruity taste for a while.
- (Per a bottle)2,680JPY
- (Per a glass)680JPY
- CORDIER Chateau La Rose du Pin Rougeコーディア シャトー ラ ローズ デュ パン(赤)
[France/Medium bodied]
Well balanced acid and soft tannins. Mild tastes with fruity flavor.
- (Per a bottle)3,280JPY
- (Per a glass)850JPY
- Tavernello Lambrusco Rossoタヴェルネッロ ランブルスコロッソ
You can enjoy brilliant rose and mellow fruit flavor. Fruit and floral flavor are good with any kinds of cuisines.
- (Per a bottle)1,980JPY
- Glass of Wine ( Red or White)グラスワイン(赤・白)
- 420JPY
- Otaru Niagara (Dry)おたる ナイアガラ 辛口
Try a flavor of juicy fresh white grapes with dry and light finish.
- (Per a bottle)1,960JPY
- (Per a glass)520JPY
- Tokachi Wine Seiorosamu (White)十勝ワイン 凋寒(セイオロサム)白
Made from Morio-Muskat mainly. Well balanced fruity wine. Seiorosamu is named after Ikeda-cho where is made from.
- (Per a bottle)3,480JPY
- (Per a glass)880JPY
- J.Moreau & Fils BlancJ・モロー・エ・フィスモロー・ブラン
Notes of fresh green apple. Light finish.
- (Per a bottle)1,850JPY
- (Per a glass)480JPY
- Zeller Sckwarze Katzツェラー・シュヴァルツェ・カッツ
Sweet and light taste. Famous for "Black cats" labels.
- (Per a bottle)2,480JPY
- (Per a glass)650JPY
Long lasting notes of freshness and herb flavor. Well balanced with acid and mineral.
- (Per a bottle)2,680JPY
- (Per a glass)680JPY
- CORDIER Chateau La Rose du Pin Blancコーディア シャトー ラ ローズ デュ パン(白)
Notes of bit vanilla and almond. Light finish with fresh and mild acid.
- (Per a bottle)3,280JPY
- (Per a glass)850JPY
- FREIXENET Xフレシネ エックス
Dry sparkling wine with light finish. Well balanced with fresh limes and acid.
- (Per a bottle)3,280JPY
- Polestarポールスター
- (Per a glass)420JPY
- Dewar'sデュワーズ
- (Single)360JPY
- (Double)480JPY
- Suntory Limited corner bottle singleサントリー角瓶
- (Single)380JPY
- (Double)500JPY
- Yoichi余市
- (Single)580JPY
- (Double)780JPY
- VSOP(Brandy)VSOP
- (Single)480JPY
- (Double)680JPY
- Early times(Bourbon)アーリータイムズ
- (Single)400JPY
- (Double)600JPY
- Jack Daniel's(Bourbon)ジャックダニエル
- (Single)480JPY
- (Double)680JPY
Whisky Highball(Whisky and soda)
- Dewar's high ballデュワーズ ハイボール
- 400JPY
- Dewar's Yuhi high ballデュワーズ 夕日ハイボール
- 420JPY
- Dewar's Ginger high ballデュワーズ ジンジャーハイボール
- 460JPY
- Dewar's Cola high ballデュワーズ コークハイボール
- 460JPY
- Kaku high ball角 ハイボール
- 420JPY
- Kaku Yuhi high ball角 夕日ハイボール
- 440JPY
- Kaku Ginger high ball角 ジンジャーハイボール
- 480JPY
- Kaku Cola high ball角 コークハイボール
- 480JPY
Fruits cocktails
- Plum wine with pulpsあらごし梅酒
- 480JPY
- Orange wine with pulpsあらごしみかん酒
- 480JPY
- Peach wine with pulpsあらごしもも酒
- 480JPY
- Citrus Liquorゆず酒
- 480JPY
- Apricot Liquorあんず酒
- 420JPY
- Grapes Liquor巨峰酒
- 420JPY
- White peach Liquor白桃酒
- 420JPY
- Plum thick wine梅酒
- 420JPY
- Lychee Liquorライチ酒
- 420JPY
- Apple Liquor with honeyはちみつりんご酒
- 420JPY
- Citrus Liquor with honeyはちみつゆず酒
- 420JPY
We charge you tax for all items.

Non alcohol barrages /
Juice and others
We charge you tax for all items.
Non alcohol barrages
- Shirley Temple [ Ginger ale and grenadine syrup ]シャーリーテンプル [ ジンジャーエール+グレナデン ]
- 420JPY
- Saratoga Cooler [ Ginger ale and lime ]サラトガクーラー [ ジンジャーエール+ライム ]
- 420JPY
- Canary [ Melon syrup and orange flavor ]カナリア [ メロン+オレンジ ]
- 420JPY
- Sunset [ Grenadine syrup and Grapefruit ]サンセット [ グレナデン+グレープフルーツ ]
- 420JPY
Non-alcoholic sparkling wine
- PIERRE ZERO BLANC DE BLANCSピエール・ゼロ・ブラン・ド・ブラン
- (200ml)780JPY
A sparkling wine based dealcholised wine with aroma of muscat.
This alcohol free wine is very grapey and freshness of bubbles are well integrated.
Juice and others
- Orange juice100%オレンジ
- 320JPY
- Grapefruit juice100%グレープフルーツ
- 320JPY
- Apple juice100%アップル
- 320JPY
- Iced Oolong teaウーロン茶
- 290JPY
- Hot Oolong teaホットウーロン茶
- 290JPY
- Iced Green tea緑茶
- 290JPY
- Hot Green teaホット緑茶
- 290JPY
- Pepsiペプシコーラ
- 290JPY
- Ginger aleジンジャーエール
- 290JPY
- Refreshing white grapeさわやか白ぶどう
- 290JPY
- White grape Soda白ぶどうソーダ
- 290JPY
- Soda with melon flavorメロンソーダ
- 290JPY
- Acerola drinksアセロラジュース
- 290JPY
- Acerola sodaアセロラソーダ
- 290JPY
- Ribbon NAPOLINリボンナポリン
- 290JPY
- Co-up Guaranaコアップガラナ
- 340JPY
- Tomato juiceトマトジュース
- 340JPY
- For kids size(half portion)お子様ハーフサイズ
- (Available for all juice and drinks)190JPY
We charge you tax for all items.