Broiled BBQ
We charge you tax for all items.
Assorted Seafood
Premium grade fish called in
Japanese “Menme”,“Kinki”, or “Kichiji”.
Grilled Menme(Flat fish) is speciallyrecommended.- Grilled Menme (Red snapper)メンメ 半身/1枚
- (Half portion)2,100JPY
- (Single whole fish)4,200JPY
Sautéed in savory soy sauce
- Charcoal grilled Tsubu (shellfish)青つぶ焼き
- 540JPY
Eastern Hokkaido, in particular Kushiro, is the best place for true Shishamo.Shishamo roe has exceptional mouthfeel.
- Kushiro local catch/Shishamo (Smelt)ししゃも オス・メス各2尾
- (Served in two pairs of male and female (Roe included))670JPY
- Grilled sumptuous Hokke (Flat fish)真ほっけ 半身/1枚
- (Half portion)990JPY
- (Single whole fish)1,980JPY
- Grilled Mackerel塩さば 半身/1枚
- (Half portion)650JPY
- (Single whole fish)1,300JPY
- Grilled Oysters (Grilled / Steamed)牡蠣(焼き・蒸し)(2ケ)
- (Serving includes two pieces)600JPY
- Sardineいわし
- 550JPY
- Dried Komai fish生干し氷下魚(3尾)
- 450JPY
- Grilled Hokki (Sakhalin surf clam)焼きほっき
- 580JPY
- Salted and dried sliced squid真イカ一夜干し
- 600JPY
Japanese style kebab
- Flavored with salt and pepper or Teriyaki sauce(Please chose)Pork kebab豚串(2本)
- (Two pieces)480JPY
- Flavored with salt and pepper or Teriyaki sauce (Please chose)Chicken kebab鶏串(2本)
- (Two pieces)480JPY
- Gizzards on skewer砂肝串(2本)
- (Two pieces)480JPY
- Hearts on skewerハツ串(2本)
- (Two pieces)480JPY
- Chicken meatball kebabwith raw egg
(Teriyaki flavor)月見つくね(2本) - (Two pieces)390JPY
- Chicken meatball kebabwith raw egg
Served with homemade crab brain flavored mayonnaise.
- Ground chicken and
crab meatballs (contains egg)蟹の塩つくね(2本) - (Two pieces)560JPY
- Ground chicken and
- Venison rib on skewer鹿バラ串(1本)
- (Single piece)280JPY
- Chicken wings手羽先(2本)
- (Two pieces)480JPY
- Charcoal grilled sausage on the bone骨付きソーセージ(2本)
- (Two pieces)540JPY
- Assorted kebabs串盛り合わせ(5本)
- (Five pieces)1,190JPY
- Grilled eggplant焼きナス
- 480JPY
- Grilled fishcakesさつま揚げ
- 430JPY
- Grilled beef tongue with salt and chopped green onion牛タンのネギ塩焼き
- 750JPY
- Grilled thick sliced bacon厚切りベーコン焼き
- 380JPY
- Grilled Potato焼きじゃが
- 480JPY
※Type of potato changes depending on the season. Please ask us for details.
We charge you tax for all items.

Appetizers & Salads
We charge you tax for all items.
Delicious combination of avocado and
raw tuna chunks.Topped with salmon roe.- Sliced raw tuna and
avocado with tartar sauce鮪とアボカドのタルタル - 650JPY
- Sliced raw tuna and
- Boiled peanutsゆで落花生
- 350JPY
- Edamame (Green soybeans in the pod) 枝豆
- 350JPY
- Kimchi白菜キムチ
- 390JPY
- Diced octopus flavored with horse radishたこわさび
- 350JPY
- Pickled cod innardsチャンジャ
- 350JPY
- Chilled tofu冷奴
- 350JPY
- Assorted pickles (Three kinds)お漬物盛り合わせ(3種)
- 380JPY
- Cheese assortment from Shiranuka Rakkeisya白糠酪恵舎さんのチーズ盛り合せ
- 580JPY
- Appetizerお通し
- 350JPY
"Konowata” salted sea cucumber entrails – a rare a delicacy for connoisseurs
- Salted innards of
sea cucumberこのわた - 580JPY
- Salted innards of
- Unshelled salted
raw clamホヤの塩辛 - 430JPY
- Unshelled salted
- Salted squidイカの塩辛
- 480JPY
※Vinegar is used for dressing.
- Green salad with crab蟹肉と葉野菜のサラダ
- 780JPY
- Prosciutto and spinach Caesar salad topped with a poached eggサラダほうれん草と生ハムのシーザーサラダ温泉卵のせ
- 630JPY
- (Large serving(For two or three people))グループサイズ
- 890JPY
- Salmon marinade and cream cheese saladサーモンマリネとクリームチーズのサラダ
- 680JPY
- Japanese style warm salad with duck meat and root vegetables鴨肉と根菜の和風あったかサラダ
- 780JPY
- Green salad topped with Kushiro ramen noodles釧路ラーメン&サラダ
- 630JPY
- (Large serving(For two or three people))グループサイズ
- 890JPY
- Seafood Cobb salad海鮮コブサラダ(Cobb salad)
- 780JPY
※Seafood is subject to change depending on fishing conditions.
We charge you tax for all items.

Sushi / Sashimi (Served in raw /
non-cooked) / Vinegared food
We charge you tax for all items.
Assorted raw seafood
Portion size :Assorted Yasuragi (For three people)
- Choice A NAGOMI (for one person)なごみ(5種・1人前)
- 1,000JPY
- Choice B Kutsurogi (for two people)くつろぎ(6種・2人前)
- 2,000JPY
- Choice C Yasuragi (for three people)やすらぎ(6種・3人前)
- 3,000JPY
- Choice D Iyashi (for four people)いやし(8種・4人前)
- 4,000JPY
Sashimi (Raw fish)
- Tuna本まぐろ
- 980JPY
- Squid真イカ
- 550JPY
- Yellowtailはまち
- 580JPY
- Fresh Hokki (Shellfish)活ほっき
- 680JPY
- Raw Tsubu (Ocean“snail”)活つぶ
- 850JPY
- Small sweet shrimp甘海老
- 890JPY
- Large sweet shrimp牡丹海老(2尾)
- 910JPY
- Sea urchinうに
- 910JPY
- Scallops活帆立
- 720JPY
- Octopus蛸
- 500JPY
- Salmonオーロラサーモン
- 450JPY
- Grilled marinated Mackerelしめ鯖
- 660JPY
Sample picture: six pieces
- Tuna本まぐろ(2貫)
- (Two pieces)620JPY
- Squid真イカ(2貫)
- (Two pieces)330JPY
- Yellowtailはまち(2貫)
- (Two pieces)320JPY
- Fresh Hokki (Shellfish)活ほっき(2貫)
- (Two pieces)450JPY
- Raw Tsubu (Ocean“snail”)活つぶ(2貫)
- (Two pieces)450JPY
- Small sweet shrimp甘海老(2貫)
- (Two pieces)320JPY
- Large sweet shrimp牡丹海老(1貫)
- (Single piece)450JPY
- Whiskered Velvet Shrimp赤海老(2貫)
- (Two piece)400JPY
- Sea urchinうに(1貫)
- (Single piece)480JPY
- Scallops活帆立(2貫)
- (Two pieces)480JPY
- Octopus蛸(2貫)
- (Two pieces)310JPY
- Salmonオーロラサーモン(2貫)
- (Two pieces)300JPY
- Grilled marinated Mackerelしめ鯖(2貫)
- (Two pieces)420JPY
- Salmon roeいくら(2貫)
- (Two pieces)500JPY
- Inari (flavored boiled rice wrapped in fried bean curd)いなり(2貫)
- (Two pieces)240JPY
- Assorted Sushi盛り合わせ(6貫)
- (Six pieces)1,200JPY
Vinegared dishes
- Vinegared raw clamほや酢
- 450JPY
- Vinegared Mozuku (Seaweed)もずく酢
- 390JPY
- Vinegared raw Namako
(Sea Cucumber / Sea Slug)なまこ酢 - 630JPY
- Vinegared raw Namako
We charge you tax for all items.

A la carte dishes
(Crispy Fried and Boiled)
We charge you tax for all items.
A la carte dishes
- Kakuni (Japanese boiled pork belly)豚ばら肉の角煮
- 630JPY
- Clams steamed in Japanese Sakeあさりの酒蒸し
- 670JPY
- Sweet and sour shrimpぷりぷり海老チリソース煮
- 660JPY
- Natto omelets納豆オムレツ
- 480JPY
- Tender Braised Beef牛スジ煮込み
- 540JPY
- Garlic breadガーリックパン
- 400JPY
(Cheese of The Shiranuka Rakkeisya)
- Cheese Teppanyaki (roast on a hot plate)(白糠酪恵舎さんのチーズ使用)チーズ鉄板焼き
- 780JPY
- Mayonnaise and Shrimp Stir-fry海老マヨ
- 660JPY
- Grilled corn with butterコーンバター
- 350JPY
- Rolled omelet (Only five dishes to served a day)厚焼き玉子(一日限定5食)
- 600JPY
- (Half-size)330JPY
- Shrimp dumplings海老餃子(3ケ)
- (Three pieces)350JPY
- Steamed soup dumplings小籠包(3ケ)
- (Three pieces)350JPY
- Fried pork dumplings served with in soup水餃子(3ケ)
- (Three pieces)480JPY
- Homemade steamed dumpling made with
crab and pork蟹シュウマイ(3ケ) - (Three pieces)540JPY
- Homemade steamed dumpling made with
Fried dishes
Using only local chickens, excess fat is removed in the
cooking process, making it mildly sweet and juicy.- Broiled Zangi with Teriyaki sauce釧路ザンタレ
- 580JPY
- Zangi釧路ザンギ
- 480JPY
- Oyster Zangi牡蠣ザンギ(4ケ)
- (Four pieces)680JPY
- Octopus Zangi蛸ザンギ
- 560JPY
- Venison Zangi鹿ザンギ
- 580JPY
Venison is low in calories but high in protein and rich in iron.Try this healthy venison cutlet.
- Minced venison cutletシカメンチカツ
- 450JPY
- Whale Cutlet on skewer鯨カツ
- 580JPY
- Fried oyster牡蠣フライ(4ケ)
- (Four pieces)680JPY
- Potato fries自家製ポテトフライ
- 450JPY
- Fried soft chicken cartilage軟骨の唐揚げ
- 390JPY
- Fried burdockごぼうの唐揚げ
- 390JPY
- Deep fried chicken wings手羽先の唐揚げ(2ケ)
- (Two pieces)480JPY
A sumptuous blend of soft roe saltiness and potato
sweetness.- Potato croquette with overflowing
salmon roeこぼれイクラのポテトコロッケ(2ケ) - (Two pieces)390JPY
- Potato croquette with overflowing
- Assorted seafood tempura
海の幸の天ぷら - 910JPY
- Assorted seafood tempura
We charge you tax for all items.

Cooked Rice / Noodles / Deserts
We charge you tax for all items.
Cooked rice and Noodles
- Boiled Udon noodles with raw egg and soy sauce釜玉うどん
- 480JPY
- Rice in green tea broth
(Please chose; Salmon / Salted roe / Dried salted plum)お茶漬け(鮭・たらこ・梅) - 430JPY
- Rice in green tea broth
- Rice ball
(Please chose; Salmon / Salted roe / Dried salted plum)おにぎり(鮭・たらこ・梅) - 230JPY
- Rice ball
- Roasted rice ball with soy or Miso sauce焼きおにぎり(醤油・味噌)
- 230JPY
- Steamed rice dumpling with Kakuni(summers pork)角煮入りちまき
- 230JPY
- Roasted rice ball in green tea broth焼きおにぎり茶漬け
- 300JPY
- Cooked riceごはん
- 190JPY
- Cooked rice with salmon roeいくら小丼
- 850JPY
- Rice bowl topped with crab and salmon roeカニ・いくら小丼
- 950JPY
- Special cooked rice
(Asari clam / Surf clam / Salmon)釜飯(あさり・ほっき・はらこ) - 910JPY
- Special cooked rice
- Miso soup (Tofu and Wakame seaweed)お味噌汁(豆腐とわかめ)
- 210JPY
- Miso soup (Asari clam)お味噌汁(あさり)
- 250JPY
- Miso soup with Hanasaki Crab花咲蟹の鉄砲汁
- 300JPY
Buttered toast topped with vanilla ice-cream and honey.
Pastry size portion- Buttered toast topped with
vanillaice-cream and honeyハニートースト - 490JPY
- Buttered toast topped with
- Vanilla soft ice creamソフトクリーム
- 300JPY
- Adult Soft served Ice Cream
(Strawberry / Kahlua / Maccha / Fukutsukasa / Whiskey)大人のソフトクリーム(ストロベリー・カルーア・抹茶・福司・ウィスキー) - 450JPY
※served with liqueur or alcohol. This is not for children.
- Adult Soft served Ice Cream
- Chocolate Sundaeチョコサンデー
- 380JPY
- Caramel Sundaeキャラメルサンデー
- 380JPY
Our most popular choice!Requires 10min to be ready.
- Warm special
chocolate cakeとろけるチョコレートケーキ - 500JPY
- Warm special
- Ice cream with black sesame topped with
black honey Kinako syrup黒ゴマのアイスクリーム黒蜜きな粉がけ - 300JPY
- Ice cream with black sesame topped with
- Seasonal ice cream. Sherbet季節のアイス・シャーベット
- 360JPY
- Warm apple pie served with Vanilla ice creamあったかアップルパイ バニラアイス添え
- 680JPY
We charge you tax for all items.